Demolition Assistance Program

The CRA Demolition Assistance Program encourages the redevelopment of underdeveloped properties and the development of new facilities within the CRA districts.

Why should you participate?

  • Offset your development costs
  • Make your property more appealing to investors
  • Assist with the revitalization and beautification of the City
  • No match is required
  • Simple process


Step 1.Confirm eligibility

Businesses must be within a designated City of Kissimmee CRA District to apply for the grant. Grants are available on a first come, first approved basis for all eligible improvements. Approval is not automatic.

The following projects are eligible for this grant:

  • Structures incompatible with existing or anticipated redevelopment projects
  • Structures that fail to meet safety or aesthetic standards

Step 2.Prepare documents

Prepare the following documents before applying

  • Driver's License or State Issued ID
  • Notarized letter of approval from owner (if tenant)
  • Estimate from three independent licensed contractors per each proposed improvement (or estimate of costs of supplies if homeowner is performing own labor)
  • Current pictures of dwelling showing front and all sides of property

Step 3.Apply for the grant

Use our online form to apply for the Demolition Assistance Program

Apply for the Grant

Step 4.Grant agreement

CRA Staff will review your application and will follow up within five business days. If approved, you will receive an award letter and grant agreement. 

You MUST sign your grant agreement and return it to City staff.

Step 5.Submit completed project photos & invoices

Once your project is complete, you must submit completed photos and invoices to CRA staff.

Step 6.Get reimbursed

Staff will review your submission and upon approval will send your reimbursement to you.