Pioneer Project Incentive Program (PPIP)

The purpose of the Pioneer Project Incentive Program (PPIP) is to incentivize the development of residential, commercial, and mixed-use projects in the CRAs that would otherwise not happen due to conditions outside of the developer’s, the City’s or the CRAs’ ability to control or influence, such as exorbitant development impact fees by outside agencies or market conditions.  

The PPIP would support development projects that will positively impact the residential and business community and the economic vitality of the CRA. Qualifying projects are desirable to the CRAs and identified as potentially having a significant positive impact on the local economy.   

Pioneer projects are defined as follows: 

  • A market rate or above residential project that significantly increases the CRA’s population. 
  • An innovative commercial project that creates employment opportunities attracts significant attention to the CRA and fills an unmet need in the CRA. Qualified Targets Industry projects are especially desirable.  
  • A mixed-use commercial and residential project achieving the standards above. 

Program Funding 

Projects will be considered on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of the CRA, and any award is contingent upon the availability of funds. Assistance may be made in full within the first year or disbursed over several years. Staff will complete the evaluation process and determine project eligibility and level of support.  

  • Structures 1,000 SF to 5,000 SF: Award up to $150,000 
  • Structures larger than 5,000 SF but less than 10,000 SF: Award up to $500,000 
  • Structures larger than 10,000 SF: Award up to $1.5M 

What does the PPIP assistance include?

  • TIF Rebate: A partial to total rebate for a defined period.  
  • Impact Fee and Mobility Fee Waiver or Reduction: The City may offer a partial or complete waiver of impact fees and mobility fees through its regional brownfields designation.  
  • Grant: Awarded on a reimbursement basis following the completion of the project. 
  • Land contribution 

*Additional forms of assistance may be provided on a case-by-case basis. 

Projects with one or more of the following have a greater chance of being awarded

  • Maximum capital investment: Projects must demonstrate that the public investment committed to a project will leverage substantial private capital investment. For evaluation purposes, a minimum investment ratio of 3:1, private to public investment, will be utilized. Greater leverage of private investment is desirable; however, meeting or exceeding the ratio threshold does not guarantee the request for assistance.
  • Number of residential units: Development of 20 or more units in a standalone residential project or ten or more units in a mixed-use project.
  • Public-use facilities: parks or parkettes, tourism and visitation amenities, public meeting spaces, parking facilities, electric vehicle charging stations, streetscape improvements, and public infrastructure improvements.
  • Jobs created: The jobs must pay an average annual wage that is 115% of the Osceola County average wage. (2023: 115% = $54,839).  
  • Connection with the CRA Redevelopment Plans: Fulfills one or more of the goals and objectives in the Plan or development of an opportunity site.  


Step 1.Confirm eligibility

Businesses must be within a designated City of Kissimmee CRA District to apply for the grant. Grants are available on a first come, first approved basis for all eligible improvements. Approval is not automatic.

The following projects are eligible for this grant:

  1. The applicant must clearly identify that there is a financial need for public investment in the project. 
  2. The project will be consistent with the CRA’s Design and Technical Standards and the City of Kissimmee Form Based Code.
  3. Public benefits outlined in the application, in addition to the new capital investment resulting from the project, will strengthen the evaluation of the application.
  4. Properties must be current on their taxes, or be made current upon a change in ownership of the property. Tax exempt projects are not eligible to participate in this program.
  5. If the applicant is not the owner of the property, the property owner must provide authorization for the applicant to apply.
  6. The applicant will be required to provide information related to their financial feasibility of the project, in order to assess financial risks and assess the level of public support requested by the applicant.
  7. Assistance is available once per property, per a five-year period.
  8. Applicants that have received any CRA funding for the two preceding years are ineligible.

Step 2.Prepare Document & Information

You need to have the following documents and information prepared before applying:

  • Ownership authorization or Affidavit of Ownership
  • W-9
  • Site plan, conceptual plan elevations, floor plans, estimates (Licensed Engineer, Licensed Architect)
  • Preliminary Project Schedule
  • Commercial description: office, retail, tenant base of the project, units, square feet, target lease rate
  • Residential description – number of units, market sales price, market lease rates, target buyer or lessee
  • Résumé of the developer or development team, related development experience, and financial statement
  • Business and financial feasibility information for the proposed project:
    • Development Pro-Forma – development costs, sources and uses, cash flow analysis, debt coverage ratio, supportable debt and gap identification
    • Lease agreement if leasehold / land lease
    • Tenant commitments
    • Project financing–letters of intent from bank or lending institution
    • Ownership and equity positions

Step 3.Apply for PPIP

Complete our online application to apply for our Pioneer Project Incentive Program

Apply for PPIP