Apply for Driveway / Sidewalk Construction

Do you need to request updates to an existing road for driveway access or a sidewalk?

Submit a request to Engineering regarding driveway or sidewalk construction in the City of Kissimmee. 


Check your eligibility

  • Make sure you are doing work in the City of Kissimmee. Some rights-of-ways may be maintained by other jurisdictions such as the Florida Department of Transportation, Osceola County, etc.

Complete your application

Use the button below to start the process.

On the following page, you should follow these steps to request a new container: 

  1. Under request type, choose Driveway / Sidewalk Construction
  2. Enter the address
  3. Under description, write whether you are requesting driveway access construction, sidewalk construction, or both.
  4. Add an image of the area if possible
  5. Enter your contact info
  6. If you'd like to view the status of your request, you can sign up for an account

Fill Out the Application

Gather your materials

The City requires different documents depending on the work being done. City staff will follow up with you to let you know what materials you need to prepare. 

Submit your plans

After we process your application, you will receive an email to submit your plans for review. Please allow at least two business days to route your plans for review once you have formally submitted them and the documents.  

Check the plan status

We will review your Right-of-Way plans. When the reviews have been completed, you will receive an email with a link to view the results. 

Make a payment

If your plans are approved and you are not fee-exempt, we will email you a link to make a payment. You can view any due fees and pay them using our permit lookup tool.

Download your permit and plans

After you pay your fees, we will email you to let you know your plans are available for download. Log into Energov and download your plans. Please allow at least two business days from the date of payment to issue these items.  

Log into Energov