City Clerk

The City Clerk is appointed by and serves under the direction of the City Manager. The City Clerk’s Office is responsible for preserving all official documents for the City of Kissimmee, including but not limited to agendas, minutes, resolutions, ordinances, legal and public notices, and historical information. The City Clerk is the primary point of contact for all public record and information requests.

The City Clerk facilitates all City elections, attests and countersigns all official records, and serves as the liaison between appointed board members, the City Commission, and the Florida Commission on Ethics. The City Clerk also oversees the administration of the City’s record management program and provides training for employees on various topics, including Sunshine and Public Records Law. 

It is the Mission of the City Clerk’s Office to enable the public to fully participate in the governmental process by providing accurate information and services in a professional manner. The City Clerk’s Office ensures the integrity of municipal governance through the administration of the electoral, legislative, and record-keeping processes as outlined in the City Charter, City Code, and Florida State Statutes. 


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