General Records

Follow the steps below to make a public records request from the City of Kissimmee.

General records of the City of Kissimmee includes all records not directly related to Police Reports or EMS/Medical Reports. (These records would however include all employee Human Resources (HR)  files including Police and Fire.)

Need to request another type of record


Step 1.Make sure it's a record the City has

The City of Kissimmee only maintains official records and documents related to the business of the City. If the incident/property is located outside of the City of Kissimmee, you will need to contact the appropriate agency that maintains those records.

To save you time, please check if the address/location was in the City of Kissimmee before submitting a records request.

Check City Limits

Step 2.Submit your request 

Request a Record

Step 3.We'll review your request

After submitting a request, you will receive a confirmation email with your assigned request number and a security key that allows you access your request online.

Step 4.Pay for your request

If your public records request requires more than 30 minutes of staff time, a fee will be assessed for that cost, and payment will be required prior to the records being released.

Step 5.Receive your records

Once your request is completed, you will receive instructions on accessing your records in the portal.

No email, no problem

If you didn't provide an email, you must check the online portal periodically and use the request number and security key provided when you submitted the request.

Check Status of Request