Community Garden Rules

General Community Garden Rules

  1. Each gardener shall work alongside others and resolve any conflicts respectfully. 
  2. Each gardener shall work to keep the Community Garden a happy, secure and enjoyable place where all gardeners can garden and socialize in a peaceful and neighborly manner.
  3. If your pet must go with you to the garden, pets must remain on a leash. Gardeners are responsible for cleaning up after their pet, to include removing any feces left by their pet from the garden, and for any damage that may be caused. 
  4. At the end of the season, leave your plot in good condition for the next season.  Your plot must be actively used and maintained throughout the season. Plots must be worked or planting begun (weather dependent) within 30 days of the assigned plot. Gardeners are encouraged to weed and plant earlier, as weather permits. 
  5. The minimum requirements of starting your plot include working the soil and weeding, or planting seeds/starts.
  6. Each gardener must maintain the pathway surrounding their plot. No plastic or carpet is allowed in the paths. 
  7. Gardeners must keep their plots and paths free from garbage, furniture, and unused or broken garden items, regardless of source. Contact Parks Operation at 407-518-2340 if you need help disposing of “dumped” items. 
  8. Gardeners shall wear closed toe shoes while working their plot. 
  9. Gardeners who have unsightly plots or pathways or consistently have weeds growing within their plots will be notified and asked to clean up their assigned plot/pathway within 30 days. After 30 days, the registered gardener forfeits their plot. 
  10. Gardeners shall not introduce any plant deemed illegal by federal, state, or local law, regulation, or rule into the Community Garden or any plant not permitted by Licensor.
  11. Crops intended for commercial purposes are prohibited.
  12. Do not allow plants to shade other garden plots, grow into, or hang over the walking paths.
  13. Do not use chemicals, such as herbicides (weed killers), insecticides (insect killers), or chemical fertilizers in the garden areas. Resources on organic gardening and related topics are available online at:
    • Organic Materials Review Institute:
    • Metro:
    • Personal tools, equipment, and belongings shall not be stored at the Community Garden
  14. The City intends to provide equipment for the benefit of all gardeners leasing a plot at the Community Garden. Gardeners must return city-owned equipment to the equipment shed after use. Gardeners shall maintain the equipment shed in an orderly and organized fashion. Gardeners shall close and lock the equipment shed after returning city-owned equipment. If City-owned equipment or the equipment shed is not maintained in accordance with this rule, the City reserves the right to cease providing City-owned equipment to gardeners.
  15. Gardeners shall ensure the gate to the Community Garden and the equipment shed are locked to prevent access by unauthorized persons. When a gardener leaves the Community Garden and no other gardeners are present, the gardener shall lock the equipment shed and the gate to the Community Garden. The City shall provide combinations to the locks to all gardeners. The City intends to change the combinations periodically to prevent unauthorized access. Gardeners shall not share the lock combinations except with other gardeners and those who have agreed to care for the gardener’s plot.
  16. Failure to comply with the garden rules may result in your plot being reassigned to a gardener on the waitlist, and may affect your eligibility for future garden plot rentals.
  17. Arrange for your plot to be watered and maintained during periods that you are unable to do so.
  18. Notify the Parks and Public Lands Manager at (407) 518-2340 if you are unable to care for your plot and unable to arrange for your plot to be watered and maintained while you are unavailable. Failure to communicate in either situation may prompt us to conclude that the plot is abandoned and the plot may be reassigned to another gardener.

Registration Polices

  1. Registered gardeners are responsible for keeping physical addresses, phone numbers and email addresses current with the Community Garden Program. If we are unable to reach you after 3 attempts (disconnected phone, returned mail, etc.) we will conclude the plot is abandoned. 
  2. Plot registration is required annually. Renewal begins December 1st for the following season. Returning gardeners must complete renewal by December 31st. Renters can purchase a plot in-person at Kissimmee City Hall (101 Church Street Suite 330, Kissimmee, FL 34741.
  3. If you have not renewed your plot, your plot will no longer be reserved for you but you may re-register for any available plot. 
  4. Plots are non-transferable. You may not choose another person to take over your plot. 
  5. A Community Garden Plot License Agreement must be executed before a gardener may enter the garden.
  6. Once your registration fee is paid, the plot is yours until December 31st. 
  7. The plot fee is non-refundable if cancellation occurs 2 or more weeks beyond registration. 
  8. Do not share lock combinations with anyone who is not a registered gardener or co-gardener.