Notice of Funding Availability for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 SHIP Program

On Display Indefinitely

The City of Kissimmee was awarded State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program funds from the State of Florida in the amount of $628,202 for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 to provide affordable housing assistance to households residing within the City of Kissimmee. 

A portion of the funds have been set aside for administration ($68,820) and for the Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program which includes the Roof Replacement Program ($333,332). Currently, there is a waiting list for these programs. 

The rest of the funds will be allocated to the following eligible programs:


Maximum Award per Unit

Who is eligible to apply

Security and/or Utility Deposits


Assistance is available to very low and low income households.

Eviction Prevention


Assistance is available to very low and low income households.

Foreclosure Prevention


Assistance is available to very low and low income households.

New Construction-Infill Housing


Funds will be awarded to developers for the construction of single family housing for eligible very low and low income homebuyers.

New Construction of Rental Hsg

$50,000 per project/$5,000 per unit

Funds will be available to developers for the construction of rental projects/units for eligible very low and low income renters.


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