Report Graffiti

Do you need to report graffiti on public property?

Please help us keep Kissimmee clean and beautiful by preserving the beauty of our public spaces.



Step 1.Confirm that your issue is within City of Kissimmee limits

Although your address may say Kissimmee, you might be in unincorporated Osceola County, where your requests are handled by Osceola County. Make sure you're in Kissimmee city limits before you continue.

Check City Limits

Step 2.Report it to the city

Call us at 407-518-2501

Step 3.We will review your submission

A city staff member will review your report and schedule time to remove the graffiti. 


Step 1.Confirm that your issue is within City of Kissimmee limits

Although your address may say Kissimmee, you might be in unincorporated Osceola County, where your requests are handled by Osceola County. Make sure you're in Kissimmee city limits before you continue.

Check City Limits

Step 2.Take a photo, if possible

Take a photo of the graffiti. The more a photo shows of the surrounding area, the easier it is to find it. 

Step 3.Report it to the city

Email us at

Step 4.We will review your submission

A city staff member will review your report and schedule time to remove the graffiti.